Welcome to the Whisp Blog
From the smart QR code revolution to the superiority of SMS marketing over email, Whisp's cutting-edge patented technology is transforming entire industries. Discover how Whisp can help you grow your business, streamline operations and take ownership of your contact list at scale.
Transforming Auto Sales: From Form Fill to Opt-in Lead Capture
The automotive industry has significantly evolved in its approach to customer engagement and lead generation. Initially, 1-800 numbers in the early 2000s provided a direct line for inquiries and services. This was followed by online form fills, which, despite being a step forward, yielded a mere 2%-4% conversion rate. Enter Whisp®, with an impressive 15%-35% conversion rate, revolutionizing how automotive dealers and OEMs interact with potential customers. Utilizing proprietary and patented 2-way SMS opt-in technology, Whisp eliminates cumbersome form fills, offering a seamless method for capturing leads.
A Solution to Form Fill Fails
In the digital marketing landscape, form fills have long been a standard method for capturing lead information. However, their effectiveness has diminished over time due to various user experience and data accuracy issues. Whisp offers a revolutionary solution that addresses these problems, streamlining the data capture process and enhancing user engagement. Here’s why form fills often fail and how Whisp provides a superior alternative.